Showing 245 results

Authority record

Edwards, Jim

  • JE01
  • Person

Jim was born to William and Mary (nee Tompkins) Edwards.

He arrived in Squamish in 1894 on the Saturna. He brought lumber up for Henry Judd's new home. Judd was about to marry Jim's sister, Barbara Anne.

Harry Judd married Barbara Anne Edwards in Vancouver on December 26, 1894. Later in 1904, Jim married Rilla Judd (Harry's sister). This was the first white marriage in the Squamish Valley and took at the bride's home. The bridesmaid was Martha Wright (daughter of school teacher John Wright). The best man was Wilby Judd (Rilla's brother). They had 3 daughters, in order of age: Ethel, Edith, and Nina (changed her name to Merna when she was about 30).

Jim's brother, Jack, came to Squamish in 1908 with his wife. They had come from Manitionlin Island, Ontario. His wife's maiden name was Elizabeth Hawkins.

Eadie, James Stafford

  • JE01
  • Person
  • December 16, 1885 - December 31, 1983

James was born in Glen Mavis, Midlothian, Scotland. He grew up in Scotland with 8 brothers and 1 sister. On March 26, 1910, he left Bathgate, Scotland and boarded the "Cassandria". He arrived in Halifax, Nova Scotia on April 7, 1910. On April 13, 1910, he arrived in Vancouver by train. He worked in the coal mines in Nanaimo.

On December 28, 1916, he married Janet (born in Glasgow on August 19, 1894) at the Nanaimo Methodist Church. They had 3 children: Fred, James, and Mrs Marion Bochon.

In 1917, James came to Squamish to work for the PGE. He started as a "wiper", cleaning engines. He also worked as a fireman. He retired from the railway in 1952 after being an engineer for 35 years.

He built a home at 37789 Cleveland Avenue. His son Fred died.

On May 20, 1977, he took part in inaugural run celebrations for the Royal Hudson with Mayor Pat Brennan and Honourable Grace McCarthy.

His wife Janet died in June 1981. He died during one of his trips to Prince George to visit his son James and his sixth great grandchild in December 1983.

Habricht, Jack

  • JH01
  • Person
  • 1875 - August 2, 1930

Jack Habricht was born in Poland in 1875. He came to Canada in the late 1890's and worked on the Skeena River Boats and Grant Trunk Pacific Line.

In 1896 he came to Squamish. He lived in a cabin at the base of Hospital Hill (above Merrill and Ring Campsite). Jack trapped and prospected in Squamish and the Indian River area. He also had a mining property by Goat Creek.

Jack shot himself and died on August 2, 1950. Habricht Mountain is named after him.

Jimmy, Jimmy

  • JJ01
  • Person

Jimmy Jimmy (Indian name-Swahsh) and his wife lived quite far up the Squamish river; past Baynes Island and a little farther up past the end of Judd Slough. He claimed that he was chosen to present a gift of Indian baskets on behalf of the Squamish Indians to Prince Edward (who later became King Edward, but abdicated) in the late 1800's. Jimmy Jimmy was very pockmarked from his bout with smallpox.

His wife was quite a character. Wherever she went, she carried her chamber pot with her. Whenever she rode in Mr Judd's "taxi service", he knew he would have to stop and let her out somewhere along the trip.

Account of Chief Jimmy Jimmy from Ta Kaya (Lone Wolf) [I Remember, page 9]: No one knew his age. When asked his age, he always said "seventy snows", meaning seventy years. He must have been nearly a hundred years old when he passed away. When his eyes started to fail, he had to hang up his rifle and use his shotgun loaded with buckshot to get a deer. After a few years, I really felt sorry for Jimmy. He came and told me that his eyes had failed him completely and that he couldn't see a deer more than forty feet so had to quit hunting. A few of us always shared our meat with him. He never had any children of his own to carry on his skills.
[Page 30] He was noted as the best canoe man that we ever had on the Squamish River. He had a large thirty-three foot dugout canoe that he made himself. He charged ten dollars a day for himself and the canoe to carry freight on the river and charged extra for any help he needed. A day then was from daylight until dark.

Hansen, Jane

  • JJ02
  • Person
  • October 5, 1909 -

Jane was born to Henry and Barbara Anne (nee Edwards) Judd. She preceded her twin sister Clara by half an hour.

She married Ole Hansen and they had a daughter, Annette.

Neil, James Mathew

  • JN01
  • Person
  • September 4, 1873 - December 6, 1953

James Neil was born in Ontario. His father was Mathew Neil.

In 1900, he married Jean Matheson. Before coming to Squamish in 1907, he worked for many logging companies. In Squamish, he worked as a donkey "puncher".

He had a son named James Douglas.

In 1914, he logged with Earl Judd. Together they hauled a steam donkey on the Squamish River (2 miles above Pemberton).

He died at age 80 on December 6, 1953.

Results 126 to 150 of 245